
Family Academy

Family Academy partners with parents, teachers, Title 1, Academic Services and Student Services to design Signature Classes for families and parents that focus on student learning.  Family participation is most successful when schools leverage classes as their own.  Schools are encouraged to work with parents to select classes that help families support student learning goals.  Family Academy will support schools by providing classes that have relevant content, knowledgeable facilitators, interpreters and class data.

In addition to Signature Classes, a listing of family support classes and video resources are supported by Connect with Kids Education Network and community agencies.  These resources can be found on pages 7-11 of the 2015-2016.  Schools will find a variety of family support class options and access to evidence-based video resources focused on improving the health, behavior and well-being of students.

A 2016-2017 class and resource catalog will be released in June 2016.

  • For more information:
    Phone: 919.560.3816, ext. 30319
    Fax: 919.560-.3820

    Office Location:
    2107 Hillandale Road
    Durham, NC 27705